The Faulkner County Solid Waste Management District is a governmental agency responsible for assisting municipalities, businesses and citizens within Faulkner County with management of solid waste. The District supports integrated solid waste management options to safely and effectively manage municipal solid waste. Municipal solid waste includes all the garbage created by households, commercial sites (restaurants, offices, stores), and institutions (schools, museums, libraries). An integrated waste management system focuses on the following concepts:
Reducing amount generated
Our services include planning and implementation of recycling programs, electronic waste collection, waste tire collection, public education regarding solid waste issues, etc.
Faulkner County Solid Waste Management District is not a trash service provider.
The Faulkner County Solid Waste District is one of 18 Regional Solid Waste Districts in Arkansas. The Solid Waste Districts are overseen by the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality. Districts are tasked with certain responsibilities and duties by State Law. These include:
Collecting, studying and evaluating data regarding the solid waste needs of all localities within the District
Formulate plans for providing adequate solid waste management
Make recommendations to local governments on solid waste management issues
Review applications for Certificates of Need for solid waste disposal facilities
Monitor compliance of all solid waste permit holders with State and District regulations
Provide public notice of and participation in any findings or rulings of the board
Encourage recycling by District citizens, businesses, industries and governments
The District is managed by the District Board. Our Board consists of mayors and other officials from each of the First Class cities in Faulkner County as well as the County Judge.